
What are foundation skills?

The Ready 4 Learning framework supports and underpins the “foundation skills” needed for a learner to be curriculum ready. Higher level cognitive tasks such as reading and writing depend upon the successful execution of fundamental skills. If these skills are not automatic, the brain will concentrate on executing those skills rather than on the higher level thinking tasks.

Elements in the Ready for Learning Framework consist of key competencies: speaking, concepts of print, hearing, seeing , moving (fine/gross motor skills).

In the Ready for Learning Framework we gain an insight into what skills the child needs to have in order for them to successfully read/write and carry out abstract thinking needed for maths. Underpinning the framework are our all-important Key Competencies which can be tracked alongside their ready for learning skills.

The Ready 4 Learning framework is being successfully applied in both learning through play and more traditional classroom environments.

How we can support you.

To support this framework, our assessment tool allows teachers to assess specific skills within the Ready 4 Learning elements and provide targeted teaching to address needs, either in a traditional classroom or a Learning through Play environment.  

 Ready 4 Learning offers professional development for ECE and early years teachers through our online modules (link) and we are accredited Ministry of Education PLD providers, able to access Ministry funding to fully support the implementation of the Ready 4 Learning Framework and assessments in your school. 

Check out our book Ready 4 Learning, Ready 4 Life below!

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“Teachers and parents are crying out for resources just like this one – a resource that explains the multiple benefits of play and how it empowers children to learn”. (Nathan Wallis Neuroscience educator)